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In our continued endeavors into seeking the everlasting gospel, sometimes flesh can creep into our studies unawares, and we can end up believing and/or teaching things that may not be completely inspired by God. As long as we are housed within flesh, and are fighting against a carnal mind, things of that nature can certainly happen. Paul knowingly affirms that we should “let God be true, but every man a liar – Romans 3:4b.” And, further says: “For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner? – Romans 3:7.” Implying that even though our intentions may be good, we still must contend with flesh, and we could end up saying things that aren’t Godly truth . . . We must realize that even though the sacred texts of the scriptures could never be improved or changed, flesh certainly can; so, this is why it’s not a good idea to put-down somebody that hasn’t obtained a truth when they are still growing into the stature of Christ. Nothing comes to any of us overnight. Yet, and to be honest, it is very difficult for a person to change their belief or doctrine when that person feels that it was the very breath of God that gave it to them to begin with. Or, it’s difficult for many to admit that they had been wrong over certain matters. But, if we are versed enough, we should all agree that the scriptures have to be the final authority on any topic . . . With all that being said, let it be known that even I myself would be willing to change my mind on doctrinal beliefs if inspiration through the sacred texts (with help of the Spirit of Truth) compels me to do so. I, like everyone else, am only human, and am apt to make mistakes. And, in so saying, I am also willing to listen to other angles to said scriptures (keeping an open mind), and will consider any sound, reasonable interpretation . . . But, I ask the reader to do the same with what I have written; to at least consider the words in this book (with an open mind, as well) before completely dismissing my thoughts if they do not synchronize with popular doctrine . . . However, all of what I have just said is not, by any means, an apology for the following text; but is, rather, a wake-up call to all of us who preach or teach the Word of God, to be as cautious as possible when saying: “Thus saith the Lord!” For, truly, explanations of scripture lean toward that idea. So, let me end this by saying: May God bless our thoughts, and give us unbiased truth! Amen.

− Ted A. Roberts


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